Asia Startup Pulse

Dragons in the East, WeChat, and cutting through red tape with guest Andrew Schorr, founder of Grata.

Episode Summary

In this episode we chat with Andrew Schorr, founder of Grata, a WeChat product services platform and graduate of 500Startups. We learn what content marketing success on social media looks like and the challenges of starting a business in China.

Episode Notes

In this episode we chat with Andrew Schorr from Grata the WeChat product services platform. We learn what a content marketing success on social media looks like and the challenges of starting a business in China.

Brought to you by co-hosts Todd Embley and Ryan Shuken and Production Manager Qi Liu, the China Startup Pulse is designed to offer advice and insights into the startup world in China for those either outside China looking in, or already here but looking at jumping off the entrepreneurial cliff for the first time. This podcast is in English. Enjoy!